Category - IVDR


Happy IVDR day!

Happy IVDR day my readers! My apologies for the low level of activity on this blog the last time. I’ve been very busy with MDR and IVDR work. And of course I have been working hard on the second edition of the big book, the Enriched MDR and IVDR, which is nearing completion and will […]


More on placing on the market

After my blog about guidance document MDCG 2021-27 in which I argued why in my view it defines placing on the market wrongly by requiring transfer of a property right as a condition for placing on the market, a lot of discussion started. I even received an email from the European Commission commenting on the […]


IVDR amendment proposal update: moving on up to adoption

I recently reported about the proposal to amend the IVDR immediately when it came out – please excuse the initial inaccuracies in the post on the subject of amendments to article 5 (5) IVDR (in-house produced devices) due to my enthusiasm to get the news out quickly. In the mean time I have fixed these […]


IVDR amendment proposal update: moving on up to adoption

I recently reported about the proposal to amend the IVDR immediately when it came out – please excuse the initial inaccuracies in the post on the subject of amendments to article 5 (5) IVDR (in-house produced devices) due to my enthusiasm to get the news out quickly. In the mean time I have fixed these […]


Proposal to manage IVDR

It had been been in the works for some time, although it also seemed unlikely for quite some time that this would happen. The implementation of the IVDR had been the slow little, neglected sister of the MDR implementation with greatly insufficient notified body capacity becoming available, and crucial elements of regulatory infrastructure (like the […]


The Enriched MDR and IVDR – finally available

Finally and just in time for the date of application of the MDR: here it is, the book that I’ve been working on for a long long time. It turns out that writing books while having a more than full-time job running a law firm and being a busy lawyer is a bit of a […]


The new EU AI regulation proposal, medical devices and IVDs

Now this is fun: at a time just before the date of application of the MDR when we do not even have harmonised standards for the new software requirements in Annex I, section 17 MDR and Annex I, section 16 IVDR, the Commission proposes new mandatory regulation to supplement the the MDR and the IVDR […]


MDR date of application next month – and the book

Finally! Another post on this blog. You would think that I would write a lot on a blog like this just before the date of application of the MDR next month, right? Well, I did – just not on the blog but I was working hard to finish my book on the MDR and IVDR […]