Category - Eudamed


MDR date of application next month – and the book

Finally! Another post on this blog. You would think that I would write a lot on a blog like this just before the date of application of the MDR next month, right? Well, I did – just not on the blog but I was working hard to finish my book on the MDR and IVDR […]


MDR date of application move: politically a done deal now

With the overwhelming vote in the Parliament in favor of the Commission proposal to amend the MDR it is politically basically a done deal now that the MDR will be amended. After the vote there were people that immediately stated that the amendment was formally approved – not so. We are looking at law making […]


A not so happy MDR and IVDR Christmas Carol

Just before the Christmas holidays the Commission updated its rolling plan and the MDCG ongoing guidance overview. As the year draws to an end, the date of application of the MDR is very close now and I see more and more things happen that everybody could see coming for a long time, I would like […]


The Commission and the Council on the MDR state of affairs

The public part of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council meeting on last Monday, 9 December 2019 gave an interesting peek into how the Commission and the Council see the state of affairs with the MDR and IVDR implementation at the moment, and notably as well the delay of Eudamed implementation. The […]


Eudamed delayed, but MDR not delayed – now what?

You may have already heard it from many directions: Eudamed is delayed with two years. Time to party now because you can shelve your MDR implementation project for two years and go back to do other things? Nope, unfortunately most probably not – read on. After some pretty mysterious statements of Commission officials in public […]


What to expect for 2019 with MDR and IVDR implementation?

Remember the CAMD Roadmap (dating back to end 2017) that promised us a roll-out of MDR and IVDR items that were sometimes even marked ‘high priority’ and how that lifted our spirits (at the time)? Remember how this was supplemented with the Rolling Plan, which promised the roll-out of all roll-outs for 2019? I have […]