Category - Software


The New Product Liability Directive(s) proposals and medical devices / IVDs

On 28 September the Commission adopted two related proposals for EU regulation of no-fault liability for defective products. One proposal updates the ‘old’ Product Liability Directive (PLD) from 1985 to make it suitable again for the current circumstances. The other proposal provides a complimentary directive for liability specifically for damage caused by AI. You can […]


The MDCG cybersecurity guidance – a helpful rush job

It has been some time since the MDCG guidance on cybersecurity for medical devices was released (MDCG 2019-16 December 2019), so everybody has probably had the opportunity to get used to the document by now. While the document is by no means ideal or even flawless (congratulations MDCG on a glaring spelling mistake in the […]


An unsurprising case of software qualification

First: my apologies for the collapsed frequency of articles on this blog – I’m very very busy, literally day and night, with questions about any and all aspects of the MDR and the IVDR. The summer is a bit more quiet so you can expect more content again. Intermezzo on software under MDR and GDPR […]


Privacy by design and data portability

I’ve often warned medical devices companies that they need to start looking at privacy by design obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation, the GDPR. Engineers at a company where I gave an in-company presentation earlier this year were seriously unhappy that privacy by design obligations can affect both hard and software and that the […]


The MDR – where are we now?

There seem to be a lot of misunderstandings in the market about the current status of the MDR. Some think it’s finished (it’s not, at least not formally) and there is a lot of insecurity about when it will enter into force. Currently the MDR and IVDR are in the process of translation. The trilogue […]


Software MEDDEV updated

The Commission issued an updated version of the MEDDEV 2.1/6 regarding standalone software on 15 July. After all the rumors around the difficult discussions surrounding the revision process I was very curious about the changes finally implemented. Unfortunately these changes turned out to be very limited and in my view do not change the scope […]


Counting down to the final text of MDR and IVDR; more on software

It’s the final countdown! Following the trilogue’s agreement on the MDR and IVDR texts the Commission (DG Growth) confirmed at the eHealth Week in Amsterdam last Friday that (probably late) this Wednesday the agreed text of the MDR (and, I assume, IVDR too) will be made public as the signatures required will finally have been […]