Category - HCP


Netherlands to adopt medical devices anti-corruption legislation

As we say in Dutch: the day that you knew that would come is finally here. The legislative proposal to grant the Healthcare Inspectorate (IGZ) IGZ enforcement powers in the field of industry/HCP interactions (the “Wet van 17 mei 2017 tot wijziging van wetgeving op het terrein van de zorg in verband met het invoeren […]


Netherlands compliance update

On 13 January I presented the yearly complaince update for the Netherlands to the Medtech Europe Compliance Network in Brussels. Since the presentation is no secret know-how, I thought I’d share it on the blog, with an overview of the developments discussed in it. Can’t ask what can’t be offered 2014 was the year in which […]


Netherlands medical devices compliance update

Last week I attended the Eucomed Compliance Committee meeting in Brussels, and presented on some of the compliance developments going on in the Netherlands with respect to medical devices. Just like all other member states, the Netherlands had to play their part in executing the Joint Immediate Action Plan. Also, they have some ideas of […]