
ENVI vote results out: we have a draft legislative resolution

The ENVI vote results that have already been hotly debated and opined upon are now finally out in the form of a draft European Parliament legislative resolution that the Parliament will vote on on 22 October. Now we can be sure what’s in the text, we can say something about details that are usually lost […]

Axon news


Juridische kanttekeningen bij het paardenvleesschandaal. Over de gedaantewisseling van een paard, voedselveiligheid en misleiding van de consument. lees meer …


ENVI vote postponed once more

Compromising is time consuming business, that’s for sure. And sometimes it’s not easy to reach compromises. Apparently the ENVI Committee members were not able to reach compromises timely, because the postponed vote on the medical devices regulation proposals that was scheduled for 18 September has now been … postponed, again. The discussion of the regulation […]

Axon news

Axon Seminar Medical Software & Apps

Wednesday 16 October Medical Software & AppsAxon organizes a seminar addressing how to develop compliant medical software and how to determine applicable rules for medical software.Program and invitation …


Healthcare software enforcement alert

If you are active in the medical software field in the Netherlands you may probably be aware already that the the Dutch healthcare Inspectorate IGZ has announced that it will rigorously enforce medical devices law against medical software that they consider a medical device as of 1 January 2014. They have said so pretty clearly […]


Celebration time!

It’s time for a celebration! Why? Did the ENVI committee magically produce a proposal that makes a lot of sense, and ahead of time? Unfortunately  not – we still have to wait and see what happens on 18 September. But you can count on me writing about it. There will be lots of interesting discussions […]