Category - M&A


Happy IVDR day!

Happy IVDR day my readers! My apologies for the low level of activity on this blog the last time. I’ve been very busy with MDR and IVDR work. And of course I have been working hard on the second edition of the big book, the Enriched MDR and IVDR, which is nearing completion and will […]


MDR date of application next month – and the book

Finally! Another post on this blog. You would think that I would write a lot on a blog like this just before the date of application of the MDR next month, right? Well, I did – just not on the blog but I was working hard to finish my book on the MDR and IVDR […]


Happy New Medical Devices Year!

Happy New Year everybody – may your transition to the MDR and IVDR be unproblematic and timely. May your management be convinced that making and selling medical devices is actually core business of the company and dedicate sufficient resources to your transition project. Halfway point of MDR transition 2018 is the year in which we will […]


Medical devices M&A – data protection

Lately I have been doing a lot of work in medical devices M&A projects, some very big, some quite small and some in between. Everybody seems to be merging with everybody else these days as the bigger companies divest branches to reposition and smaller companies put themselves up for sale. These projects are invariably highly […]